Note: The wiTECH MicroPod 2 Application has been deployed to only FCA-franchised dealers in the US and Canada.
As of April 28, 2016, due to new registration requirements, a microPod device will no longer be compatible with wiTECH 1.0 after it is registered with wiTECH 2.0.
Once a device is registered for wiTECH 2.0, it can no longer be converted to be used with wiTECH 1.0 again. We highly recommend assigning a dedicated microPod device to be used with wiTECH 1.0 when needed.
microPod II devices are a cost-effective diagnostic solution for your dealership. We strongly recommend that your dealership purchases an adequate number of microPods for your technicians. To purchase additional microPods, you can login to and go to Order Products > Begin Shopping > wiTECH Products > wiTECH Diagnostic Extender microPod II.